…the secrets behind people photography? the secrets told by the very best photographers? would you like to know which cameras & lenses they use? what are their secret weapons?
[…] remember {this} post? oh yes, i will be back with some set of interviews about photography skills with some […]
Sílvia Silva says
fotografar pessoas, para mim, é o mais difícil! se bem que já tive a sorte de experimentar tirar umas fotos de pessoas com uma nikon D7000 ou com uma teleobjectiva e posso te dizer que a minha perspectiva do retrato se alterou em apenas alguns segundos. a lente certa e as especificações adequadas fazem toda a diferença. agora espero pelos teus segredos:D
Ana says
Yes, I would love it!
Will you share? ;)
I like candid photography because I like to capture moments that otherwise would pass unrecorded.
Unfortunately sometimes that means that the pictures are not that good because people are not static and they move when I least expect! So tips would be very nice!!
suzie says
I love love love nosing in other people’s camera bags!!
Mar says
Yessssssss, I would love it!!!
Muchas gracias