Quem me segue há algum tempo, sabe o meu apreço pela fotografia analógica e o quanto gosto de experimentar, explorar. Por vezes com resultados nada surpreendentes, mas quem conhece o desafio de fotografar com o peso de uma máquina analógica, sabe do que falo. Fotografar em película é sempre uma surpresa e ansiedade. Mas atenção…
Um presente atrasado!
hoje chego tarde e a más horas, como se costuma dizer, mas espero que venha muito a tempo! a verdade é que por aqui anda-se a mil a preparar novos projectos, a ultimar as entregas ainda em 2013, a planear os últimos dias do ano em copenhaga (oh yeah!!!) e entre mil e uma tarefas,…
Simple Things :: Hanging out with the film camera
so today, after pondering and pondering about my simple thing of this week, i though about one thing that i carry a lot – my film camera. i have been fortunate enough to be introduced to film when i was young, but i knew nothing about it. later (enter around 20 years later) i started…
film stories :: august was a little bit like this
august was a delightful month… though i think that in august i started to feel a little bit tired of so much heat. i was not aware though that, at least, until october 15th i would have had to deal with really high temperatures, not usual even for us, such a sunny country and city.…
random stories :: the white chair
hello there friends! how are you doing? i hope your week is going great! so far, it seems that the week just started and it is already wednesday! before sharing something about etsy, as usual on the {wednesdays on etsy}, i wanted to share something first. two months ago i had a very pleasant surprise.…
film stories :: a lomo love affair
it is always about love, isn’t it? i am just back to let you know that i have listed a few new prints in my second photography shop {a lomo love affair}. this shop was born to be dedicated to my love for film, either lomography or coming from vintage cameras. and in the meantime,…
film stories :: this is where i spend my weekends
hello lovely friends, how are you feeling today? i am not that good… i think that today will be one of those days in which i need to do other things to distract myself and find my piece of optimism. it seems that i have really lost everything on the hard drive. it is completely…
film stories :: where i live
something like a part iii of these {where i live} series… but i keep finding beautiful corners, gardens, birds, trams, beautiful architecture, vintage cars… that make me be more certain that i love living in this corner of lisbon and wish to keep it that way. i hope that if you come to lisbon, you…
random stories :: a story about time or what i hate in myself
back! i was wondering about my day and how it feels so disorganized most of the days… and how so many lovely friends have asked me lately how do i do it. how do i find time to write so much on my blog, to manage photography shops, to take care of the house, to…
friday i am in love with…
… random details caught in film. as you may know i am a proud owner of a yashica and a lomo camera. the yashica is my newest film camera and i have been trying different types of film and above all, having so much fun! and today i wish to share with you some of…