“hello claudia, i’m loving my website even more every time you tweak a little bit more! i was wondering, i would like a calendar on my sidebar with my upcoming events, is there any way to do that?” – deanne deanne is a nurse in florida, but has a greater goal in her mind and…
blog chat :: your own style and voice
“what helped you to find your own style and voice? this is something i’m struggling to achieve.” – lilly you thought i was’t coming, right? but no, this weekend i wasn’t going to fail on you! so this weekend we have a very relevant question, because i know that most of my readers are creative…
blog chat :: what do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
“what do you do when you feel overwhelmed with your content editing? how do you step back, how do you refocus, how do you get back to work?” – susana susana is a graphic designer and content editor, she works in the wedding industry and she’s a woman of all trades. she’s witty, dynamic and…
blog chat :: how can i improve my blog?
“hello claudia, i have your blog as a reference and, though i have not much time (i was a mom a few months ago), i wanted to make something out of mine! but i feel i don’t know how, so i’d like to know how can i learn more about blogs?” – isa well, first…