Este dia foi um dia cheio… um dia de sol de inverno, de cheirinho a Natal, de passeio pelo Príncipe Real, Jardim Botânico, pelas lojas tão giras e únicas deste bairro enfim foi um dia que aqueceu o coração e me preparou para os dias de férias que se aproximavam.
E apesar de saber que o Príncipe Real será um dos bairros com lojas mais giras e diferentes de Lisboa, por vezes a timidez impede-me de entrar e pedir para fotografar. Outras vezes é tão simplesmente o tempo que nem me deixa quase sair de casa.
Mas como a timidez se vence aos poucos, nesta tarde estava cheia de coragem e fotografei vários espaços! E esta foi a primeira loja… Como haveria de resistir a estes tecidos, a estas combinações de cores, a estes padrões? Apetecia comprar tantas coisas, apetecia comprar presentes para pessoas ainda indefinidas, mas apenas como desculpa, porque apetecia trazer apenas para casa. E ainda que por cá por casa não existam crianças nem bebés, adoro estes pormenores, as cores e detalhes. E é precisamente de detalhes que esta loja é exímia.
Aqui está a Tales in Details… onde apetece ficar, sentar e ler um livro… e beber um chá com os bules da Anna Westerlund.
This day was so good… a beautiful winter sunny day, Christmas was in the air, I walked through the streets of this neighbourhood back and forth (Príncipe Real), the Botanic Garden, through the stores that are so unique and pretty… it was one of those days that filled my heart with joy and got me ready for the upcoming holiday break.
And though I know that we can find the prettiest stores on this neighbourhood, truth is that sometimes I feel shy to go and ask the owner to take some pictures, and other times is just about the time needed to go out and wander.
But on this day, my shyness stayed at home, and I was feeling really courageous and I was able to talk to several shop owners and took a few pictures of pretty places you might want to know about for your next trip to Lisbon!
This shop was one of the first that got me in the mood of capturing interesting places. It was full of details that were just extra sweet and lovely! Though there are no babies or children around, I felt like bringing the whole shop. I wanted to get gifts for friends or whoever, I just wanted to bring so many things with me. And indeed this shop is about details, as its name is Tales in Details.
Isn’t this such a pretty name? I just wanted to sit down, read a book by the window and have some tea on Anna Westerlund’s teapots!
Tales in Details
Praça do Príncipe Real, 20
1250 – 184 Lisboa
Ju says
Que loja encantadora, uau, adorei :) **
claudia says
É mesmo gira, sim!! Merece uma visita! :) **
Emily says
i’ve just discovered your blog, and it’s just delightful! your photography has such a whimsical quality to it. i love what you have to share here. i also SO want to visit copenhagen now after seeing your photos. :)
claudia says
Hello Emily, how are you? SO good to find you here!! Thank you so much for your words on my photography! And yes, you should definitely come and visit Copenhagen, I miss it terribly!!!