oops, and then out of a sudden a few days passed by and my blog was neglected! well, first of all let me thank all of you that thought of me last friday wishing me all the best for my birthday! it was such a beautiful day! i enjoyed a beautiful morning doing things i wanted, as fast (or slow) as i wanted, spent time with mr kobe and spread a bit of christmas around the house.
i went out in the afternoon to meet a friend for chocolate cake, a few pictures and a visit to a beautiful interior decoration atelier. we didn’t go out for dinner, but dinner came to us, so we enjoyed a lovely meal just the three of us (mr kobe was controlling everything of course) with amazing white wine and chocolate ice-cream!
but this silence began on thursday, because i had a newborn photo session and it took a couple of hours! those who have newborns or shoot newborns know that these things need to be on their rhythm so sessions are way longer than usual sessions! here’s me holding the baby while giving him a bottle, courtesy of his dad who picked my camera and just started shooting around!
saturday i had to work and i worked hard on a beautiful baptism in a charming hotel, shooting an event with 35 family members that were all about cheer and love. arrived at 2am filled with joy and the feeling of an accomplished task and a good day spent among friends, and not clients.
and now the news, the news is that i was booked to a maternity photo session in amsterdam and i’m leaving this thrusday! i’m filled with joy and happiness for so many things! for flying to amsterdam this time of the year, for being booked to work there, for the opportunity of being there for a couple of days and have the chance of taking pictures to such a beautiful city!
as of today i’ll be meeting with clients and won’t be here much, but as from now people start to get really busy with the holidays coming, i’ll probably change the usual blog routines to lighter ones, like i do in august and did last year! have a great day friends and thank you for sticking with me!
Susana says
and how cool is that…?
tchim tchim, miss :D
twiggs says
it’s way too cool!!! i don’t think i’m ready for that cold, but hey, who cares?! ;) tchim tchim!
Andrea says
enjoy the north!!
twiggs says
oh andrea, thank you so much!!! i was there once in 2008 but only for a day, so i just strolled around a bit!
Heidi says
Have a nice trip – say helo to Peggy if you meet her :)
twiggs says
thank you so much heidi!!! i’m not sure that will be possible, but i’ll let her know for sure!!
Marina says
Awesome! Desejamos-te uma óptima viagem! Já estivémos lá nesta altura e é espectacular. Prepara-te é para algum vento, -14C e neve pelo tornozelo. Acoselha-se um bom casaco, um bom cachecol, umas boas botas e uns tapa-orelhas sabem a nozes com aquele tempo!
Ficamos à espera de fotografias! :)
twiggs says
eu já lá estive em junho em 2008 e adorei, embora tivesse gostado mais de berlim, que visitei na mesma viagem! mas estive em amesterdão só um dia praticamente e agora estou muito muito entusiasmada por regressar por mais dias e por ser nesta altura do ano!!! mas sim, não tenho bem a certeza de que tenho a roupa suficiente! :):)
Dulce says
Que boas notícias ! Fico muito feliz por ti !
E o melhor ainda está para vir :)
Tu mereces
twiggs says
obrigada, és uma querida!!! espero bem que sim!!! este 2013 tem de ser ainda melhor! um beijinho enorme e obrigada pelo constante apoio!
Emily says
YEAH!!! Enjoy Amsterdam!
twiggs says
thank you so much sweet emily!!!
Traveling Mama says
I thought you were going to tell us that you were pregnant! Flying to Amsterdam is still very exciting news! You will be so close to me! I wish you could just pop over for a visit! Sigh… wow. That really would be fantastic!
twiggs says
ahaha i knooow! i thought of that after publishing the post!!! and yes, i’d LOVE to see you guys, but i think we’ll have to wait for another time! it’s about time for us to meet, but hey when we do meet, it’ll be great and so worth the waiting!!
Marlyn says
When I saw you with that baby, I thought there would be OTHER news!!! ;)
– Marlyn
twiggs says
ah i thought so! you’d be all happy there!!! ;) but no, no babies yet! just my clients’ babies! and they are all gorgeous!
suzie says
wonderful, have a great trip!
twiggs says
thank you so much my friend!!! will take my sweet loving film camera of course!!
Sílvia Silva says
vê lá se não te distrais muito e chegas com as fotos todas tremidas…ahahahahh:D
isto é ‘inbeja’, está visto, mas é da boa:D
twiggs says
ahahahah muito bom, tive de me rir, claro!!! ainda há pouco falámos em ir à suécia as duas não era?! olha… não é a suécia, mas já me sinto muito contente por regressar a amesterdão!!! um beijinho grande!
Sofia Alves says
boa viagem. Amesterdão é uma das minhas cidades preferidas. Fico sempre radiande quando lá vou. Vais apanhar muito frio, mas é uma cidade fantástica. :) :) :) Beijinhos
Sofia Alves
twiggs says
pois, estou com um pouco de receio quanto ao frio, confesso!!! mas é de pensar no outro lado, na cidade fantástica que é amesterdão! fui lá há uns anos e só por pouco mais que um dia e gostei muito, voltar nesta altura do ano tem um gostinho especial, claro!!! um beijinho e obrigada!!
MissLilly says
wow really??? I’m so happy for you, can hardly wait for the photos you’ll take. Enjoy it!!!
twiggs says
oh yes, but well i’m already back as you know and photos are on their way!