hello good morning my friends, how are you doing? today we woke up to a very windy day and now it’s raining, so it seems that we shall have hot tea and cookies all day long! ok, we won’t because i’m working, i won’t be eating cookies all day long and i’m a coffee person in the morning, so no hot tea for me either! but speaking of keeping us warm inside our homes, today i’m introducing a lovely etsy seller, whose work has that exact function, keeping the little children warm and comfortable.
usually i don’t post much kids stuff on the blog, for no special reason, but i guess that not having kids makes me little interested in those kind of matters. however from time to time, there are some things that ring a bell to me and makes me want to spread the word as they are of an exquisite beauty. when i found colette bream my heart just melted.
is your heart melted as well? this little girl does that to you, i know! these are the linen party hats colette bream makes and this is just the beginning! following are the organic bedding sets for toddlers, which i find so beautiful with these simple and happy patterns. the fact that they are organic is also a great touch and the bows stole a smile from me, because… well, i just love bows and details like these ones! i’m not a toddler, but i’d love to sleep in one of these bedding sets!
and then colette continues with handmade objects to “play and pretend” as she calls it, like the party hats, knitted toys and pillows, the “cozy things” with handmade knitted pillows with quirky drawings, and “sleepy time” section with all the bedding sets and pillows to sleep on. colette was a featured seller on etsy, and i absolutely love these interviews, as you get to know more about the person behind the business, where the inspirations comes from, how they work, what they do asides working on that business. i have a thing for knowing more about those who have a personal project and stick with it to make it work!
“my shop started when my daughter was born. i had a desire to rid her room of anything that wasn’t natural (any polyester, plastic, etc.). i was looking for something beautiful in its simplicity and innocence, and i wanted to accentuate that with colorful accessories. with that in mind, and with a nostalgic nod to my own childhood (perhaps in an attempt to bring old, faded memories back to life), colette bream was born.”
asides from all the beautiful things, the way colette chose to showcase her products is obviously a great catch for the eye, because let’s face it, who will resist such adorable little girl and the way she leads you into your own childhood stories and imagination games? so go on, and explore more of colette and little skye’s world! you won’t regret this!
did you find colette’s work a feast to your inner child? share your thoughts here!
tarapatices says
Adorei, não conhecia! Obrigada, Cláudia pela partilha! :)
twiggs says
de nada, gosto é de partilhar estas coisas!!!