hello lovely readers, how are you doing this thursday? well, around here i’m unbelievably awake, considering that i was entertained until 3h30am last night, cleaning up my pinterest boards, creating new ones, and deleting all those first pins that now didn’t fit my taste anymore + playing with lightroom, exploring and trying new ways to edit my photos. the thing is that though i wrote about finding our own voice and style last saturday, i’m actually in the middle of a bit of editing crisis. when i started editing my photos, i knew nothing about it, i had to explore photoshop and actions i found on the web, then i installed lightroom and fell in love (it’s definitely my number one editing tool), played with presets and just a year ago or so, i started actually creating my own presets. but even so, understanding every single setting is hard sometimes. then i actually got a bit fed up with my editing, so lately i’ve been trying to find a way that allows me to change, but keeping my style at the same time.
when i was telling you that finding our style is something that keeps evolving along with us as a person, well it is true and it’s a good thing that we can look back and realize that now we can do so much better. it means that we learned. after playing and knocking with my head on the wall, but still having fun, i think i nailed a different preset that captures (for me, of course) the perfect lisbon light. and to show you that, let me take you on a tour, shall we?
last sunday i went out fully equipped with my camera to explore a new (for me) side of the town – tapada das necessidades. well, i had been there this time, but it was my first and i decided that i had to go back for more! this sunday, though it was raining, i really needed a walk with my camera, so there i went. ladies and gentlemen, i strongly advise you to take a walk on this part of the city, because it’s gorgeous and it seems that everyone forgot about this quarter, because it’s practically empty.
i took a bus that passed by rua das janelas verdes and left the bus in alcantara to go up to tapada das necessidades. the first square you find is absolutely charming with all the old building facades, the bougainvilleas in hot pink and orange and cute details from the restaurants around. then i went up the stairs and arrived at the ministry of foreign affairs, which is this pink building above! i’m always amazed at the amount of light pink buildings we have in lisbon! we may not pay that much attention, but once we do, it’s so fascinating!
then i went inside the garden itself. my friends, i was not ready for what i was going to see in the following hour. it is one huge garden, really huge, i was astonished by the abandoned houses inside, the amount of different floral and cactus species, and the gorgeous architecture you find. it’s a shame though, that so much of this seems abandoned. it’s really sad…
i will share more next week, because the abandoned houses i found are so mysterious and full of charm, that i have to write a full post on those! stay tuned for what is coming next! more photography, from someone i truly admire.
Sílvia says
As fotografias estão lindas e o preset escolhido realça de facto a beleza de todos os pormenores q captaste! Paabéns :) beijinhos!
twiggs says
Obrigada Sílvia, ainda bem que gostaste! Foi um trabalho duro, fazer uns tweaks daqui e dacolá, mudar isto e mudar aquilo, aplicar a todas as imagens e começar de novo, mas dos que criei ontem, acho que este é mesmo dedicado a Lisboa, porque reflecte esta cidade tal como eu a vejo. Beijinhos!
MissLilly says
wow amazing!!! I guess I have never been there and now I’m dying to visit it it too!!!
As far as your entity as a photographer, I believe you really feel the need to grow and do something new while somehow you still retain your own identity, and maybe that can be done by doing things slightly different, or experimenting and see if it fits. I totally understand that, as it’s very easy for me to feel bored of doing the same all over again, even if it’s done really well :)
sara (sushi lover) says
ah, sei perfeitamente as casas decrépitas que falas, o ano passado tb me perdi pela tapada, um parque lindíssimo (chegaste ao “escritório” do sampaio?)
acho bonito o teu novo preset mais contrastado q outros q usas, mas talvez um pouco rosa demais!
qto a evoluções, é bom seguir alguém que não tem medo de experimentar! força!
twiggs says
ah que bom, não estou sozinha neste fascínio, tenho de lá voltar (desta vez com sol) e acompanhada para explorar com mais coragem porque estava sempre com receio que saltasse alguém por detrás de uma porta ou uma parede! ahahahaha!! e obrigada pelo feedback ao preset! vou experimentar retirar um bocadinho do rosa, embora ache que os edifícios por si ajudam ;) um beijinho!!