when the idea of meeting mr twiggs in alentejo for a few days of vacations, bathing in the sun and eating delicious food, took form, i was even more delighted to think about the trip itself! as i would go alone all the way to the south, i started planning this kind of road trip where i would avoid high-ways and find some hidden treasures of this country! i would lug around with my three cameras and would stop every time i felt the need! one place i wanted to visit first, as i had never been there, was portinho da arrábida. and my friends… i just couldn’t believe my eyes. it was paradise 40km away from lisbon! how could i miss this for so long?
i was in awe when i got to this place. the colour of the ocean, the white sand, the pastel colours all over the place, the mountain behind, the beautiful and extraordinary colours of nature were making my head spin! i just kept asking myself how could i have missed this for so long? this was heaven! the thing about this place is that behind us is the natural park of portinho da arrábida, which is made if several white rocky mountains with trees all over the place. so imagine this, white rocky mountains, green trees and bushes ending on this magnificent white sand beach with some crystal blue waters… on a sunny day!
then i went back through the natural park and i had a gorgeous view from above, i was always trying to find a way to stop the car and embrace all this. funny that i also found a convent in the middle of the park… with this view. oh and yes, i know i said i wouldn’t be blogging much, but i just can’t resist! i feel that a lot of you are away, and i’ve also been away from facebook and everything, because i’m working on something that has taken all my days! the redesign! i’m learning so much, trying so many things, i’m so excited and yet also very confused! will share more about that later of course!
oh and thank you so much for your comments on this post! it made my day! i was feeling kind of lonely with the lack of comments on the blog! ah, true!
note: this is a part of the august break, which means that i’ll be blogging on a lighter mode, no usual features, just pictures and a few words! remember that on the last week the blog will shut down for a new look! looking forward to it!
Ana says
Não conhecias esta beleza?
Fazia parte do meu roteiro de praias quando era mais nova. Portinho da Arrábida, Figueirinha, Sesimbra! Aquela costa é maravilhosa.
Muito agradeço as férias com tias e primas que muito me fizeram viajar nas férias de Verão!
twiggs says
Sabes que eu não nasci em Lisboa, nem vivi aqui durante grande parte da minha vida, apesar de ser a minha cidade actualmente e onde me sinto em casa. Sesimbra conheci no Inverno há uns anos, mas não é zona para onde vá. Mas depois de ver estas praias, percebi que tenho de começar a ir para estes lados com mais frequência. É uma delícia…
Ana says
Às vezes esqueço-me que não és desta zona! ;)
Parece-me que és muito mais alfacinha que eu, que cá nasci!
É uma zona linda e tão perto! Gosto particularmente do portinho e da figueirinha.
Jimena says
Uhh! Qué lindo lugar! No veo la hora de que llegue el verano por aquí….
twiggs says
hola jimena!!! si este lugar és lindo, un sueño!!! muchos besos y que el verano llegue rapido!!
Diana says
Adoro a Arrábida! Eu basicamente cresci entre Lisboa e a Arrábida porque o meu avô morava em Azeitão e eu ia para lá todos os fins-de-semana quando era miúda (e agora ainda vou para lá várias vezes ao ano).
É sem dúvida alguma um sítio paradisíaco :)
twiggs says
que sorte que tu tiveste então!!! a zona é mesmo fora de série, imagino que tenhas memórias deliciosas da tua infância passada aqui!! vou ter de lá regressar claramente! não posso ficar por aqui por apenas umas horas!! :)
MissLilly says
awww I discover that place 2 years ago, but i was never there in proper summer time yet, it’s beautiful but difficult to park the car. Love your photos as always
twiggs says
then you should go there in the summer as well! it’s quite near lisbon, so it doens’t require a whole amount of planing to go there, not like porto! so i hope you can visit it again sometime before fall starts, which will actually be like in november :p
Sheila Sim says
How beautiful! You have given me some ideas for our next holiday. I am going to talk to Mr Sim about it :-)