hi there, my friends! how are you? it’s funny because whenever i write “friends” here every day at the beginning of each post i always think that i don’t know most of you that come here everyday to read what i write, therefore friends is a very strong word to begin with. but on the other hand, when i write posts like i did {yesterday} and i receive thoughtful answers by people that are quiet most of the times and happen to share their piece of life and experience, i feel very lucky and i think of you as friends.
i know that there is some controversy related to these online friends, and as i always think “if something happens to me or if i wish to talk to someone, who do i call?” and of course none of the online friends’ names comes to mind, because most of them are pretty far away. but then sometimes we need to exchange some points of view, to share some thoughts and those online friends are in the same path as we, so they will understand our perspectives, issues and conquests in a different way than our traditional friends. and yesterday i found so much comfort in your answers to that post. first because some of you feel exact the same way as i do (which makes me feel a bit relieved!), others shared their experience with me, which made me think more wisely about my plans… others congratulated me for such strength and wished me to have all the success!
for all of these answers i thank you. they meant the world to me. either because they made me smile, or because they made me think and reconsider or because they made me feel i am not alone. one of these {friends} also shared a video with me that though i had seen it, today made even more sense. and made me think. it’s the video behind {the sartorialist} blog. the man behind the camera. it was huge in january, the whole blogland was talking about it… and today i talk about it again! (thank you silvia for reminding me of this… for reminding me that leading a visual life is something great and that is why i should keep doing it… the rest will follow!)
i hope you can stay for a while, because i have a delightful interview next with a talented and beautiful lady… called {ishtar}.
pilli pilli says
Hi sweetie!
Thank you for sharing these great pictures & that wonderful video!
I had never seen it before and it is indeed very inspiring.
And it ìs true… leading the visual life (or a creative life in general) isn’t always easy,
but it’s definitely rewarding!!
& you know what… if you ever need a friend, you can sure ring my bell!!!
(Any time, any day!)
PS. I can’t wait for Ishtar’s interview to go up!
She’s so GREAT!!!